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SQL Joins

SQL  Joins SQL JOIN A conjoin article is use to fuse row from two or more defer, base on a interrelate column 'tween them.Let's face at a pick from the -Orders- defer: OrderID CustomerID OrderDate then, await at a excer…

SQL Aliases

SQL  Aliases SQL Aliases               SQL Aliases SQL alias are victimized to give a tabularise, or a pillar in a tabularise, a temporary name.Aliases are oft victimized to make pillar list more decipherable. An alias only exi…

The PL / SQL language

The PL / SQL language SQL is not a programme speech in the coarse sense. It do not, for case, grant you to define work or variable, to do looping or conditional statement. This is not a fault in speech design, but a careful orie…

SQL Injection Protection in PHP With PDO

SQL Injection Protection in PHP With PDO Database abstraction layers like PHP's moveable information Objects (PDO) don't seem to be a brand new conception, however heaps of developers do not appear to grasp the protecti…

 how to create USB bootable

how to create USB bootable  Remark start the computer on USB stick to install Windows , Linux or launch a Live CD When you create a USB stick to install Windows, Live CD or establishment of a Linux dispersion then you want to sta…

Introduction part 2

The LANGUAGE PL/SQL   The SQL language is not United Nations programming language in the common sense of the word. It does not allow, for example, to define functions or factors, to perform iterations or conditional pointsers. Th…

PL-SQL Instructions

PL SQL Instructions  PL/SQL is Oracle's Procedure language or programming language. It is fundamentally the same as other programming dialects. We can record explicit guidelines in PL/SQL that advise our applications accepta…

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